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Day in the Life of a Digital Nomad

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

Digital Nomads are not your typical remote worker, and their days are nothing like a backpacker that’s traveling the world. They all work online while traveling, but the days can differ greatly among them. Depending on location, preferences, and activities, each day can be completely different.

Below, we’ve outlined a typical day for a Digital Nomad worker that is traveling with WiFi Artists.


The best part of being a Digital Nomad is that you are not tied to your alarm clock. You wake up when you’re ready, open your curtains, and see the sun in the sky, it’s going to be a beautiful day. You head out of your room and find your fellow travelers sitting in the sun, drinking their morning coffee. You pour yours and join them.

You’re probably discussing what to do for breakfast. Will you head out to a restaurant or cafe, or will you cook something at the villa? You all decide that you’re craving some pastries, so off to the cafe you go.

At the cafe, you get an Instagrammable pastry, so you open up your Instagram and snap a pic to post along with a location tag. A few replies come in, people are happy to see you traveling and having fun (and they’re a little jealous).

At breakfast, you decide that today you want to take a walking tour to see the sights. A few of the others agree to join. After breakfast, you head back to the villa, grab your walking shoes, and start touring the city.

You take hundreds of pictures and you grab a souvenir or two along the way. You take a poll on where to go for lunch and head to a restaurant with local cuisine, yummy cocktails, and unique decorations (more Instagrammable opportunities).


After lunch, you head to the coworking space. The coworking space is set up perfectly for digital nomads like yourself. There are tons of different places to sit, inside and out, there’s high-speed wifi, and there are tons of quiet places to take meetings if necessary. Plus, there’s more coffee, Always a good thing.

You hang out at the coworking space for a few hours and get some work done. Answer Slack messages, send some emails, get some work done, and maybe even make a TikTok or two.

You’re having a hard time focusing, so you decide it’s time to get your workout in for the day. You head back to your room, put away your laptop, and throw on some workout clothes. You head to the local gym, or maybe even just for a run around the area, and hit the shower when you’re back.

After all of that, you’re feeling much better, and ready for the rest of the day. You put your bathing suit on and head down to the pool in the villa. Pulling out your iPad, you open a book and read a couple of chapters. Your stomach is growling and you realize it’s around dinner time.

You head back to your room, put on some clothes, and head downstairs to see if anyone else is around and wants to go for dinner. A few others are ready for dinner, and a quick Google search gives you a few different local options. A quick vote and you’re on your way to a restaurant you haven’t been to yet.

Another Instagrammable meal (aren’t they all), and a few cocktails later, you head back to the coworking space - you have a few meetings tonight that you can’t ignore.


Being in a different time zone is always challenging, but at the end of the day, it’s totally worth it. It’s 9 pm but you have a meeting since it’s 9 am where your client is. An hour later and you’re ready for bed, but your friends come by and they’re going out.

Next thing you know, you’ve put on some party clothes and you’re headed to a local bar for a few drinks with them.

More than a few drinks later, you’re all headed back to the villa to go to sleep. You get to your room, get in your pyjamas, and fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

The Next Morning

As you wake up and open the curtains the next day, you reflect on your day before and smile as you realize that you're living your dream life. You're moving locations every month, you have full control of your life and your schedule, and you have freedom as you’ve never experienced before.

You could do this for a while!

Ready to travel with us? Check out our current program availability here and apply here. After applying, you will have a quick interview with one of our program leaders and you will be on your way to traveling in no time!

We can’t wait to meet you.



The World Is Calling

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